How to be your own physiotherapist

Assess and treat your own problem without leaving your living room!

The advantages of being your own physio

Could you be your own physiotherapist?

Have you tried physiotherapy before, and been given the “magic” exercises for your problem, only to find they haven’t worked for you? Learn to analyse your whole body to work out why it’s really hurting, and find out what you can do to get better, all from the comfort of your own home.

Everything in your body is connected

Did you know that the place you feel the pain isn’t necessarily the true cause of the problem (although it may be)? Everything in your body is connected, so although you may feel pain in your back or your knee, the issue could be that your back or your knee is compensating for a stiff foot or a wonky shoulder… or anything else!

DIY physiotherapy at home

Rather than coming to see me in London, you may be able to assess and treat your own problem without leaving your living room! With my course, assess your body using simple tools like a tennis ball, a yoga brick, and a foam roller to identify what’s driving your pain.

Holistic approach

Most physiotherapists have not been taught to analyse your whole body to work out the true root cause of the issue (known as the DRIVER) – but until you know the root cause, you can’t work out the best way to treat it. Assessing your whole body is key. 

Flexibility and freedom

If you come to see me in my London clinic, I can assess you and work out your driver – but what if you could do that for yourself? Do your physio at a time that suits you, don’t wait for your physio to be available.

Cost-effective and easy

The self-assessment course will give you more insight into your own body and how it works. The equipment is inexpensive and simple to use (and if you’ve tried physiotherapy before, you may well have it already) – assess your whole body using a tennis ball, a foam roller and a yoga brick 

Profound insights

The courses come with easy to follow videos and written instructions. This isn’t just about treatment, it’s about understanding how the way you eat, drink and move can affect the way you feel, and learning how each part of your body can affect or be affected by any other part.

If you are prescribed knee exercises for a knee injury and you don't get better - it may be because you need to treat a different body part!

I’ve developed a course that allows you to assess your whole body to work out your driver, similar to the way I would do it in clinic, using nothing more high-tech than a tennis ball, a yoga brick and a foam roller. Because once you know the true driver of your pain or problem, it’s much easier to rehab and recover efficiently (and I can teach you that, too!)

Addressing a variety of physical discomforts

What happens after the self-assessment course?

Once you’ve assessed your whole body, you’ll understand where you need to treat in order to get the best results – your driver.

Click the red pain points below to view the common drivers I see in clinic – but don’t forget, everyone’s different, so you won’t know your​ driver until you test yourself.

Neck Pain (including Pinched Nerves)

For neck pain including pinched nerves, common drivers are the ribcage or pelvis

Knee or Patellofemoral Pain

For knee or patellofemoral pain, common drivers are the feet, hips, pelvis or shoulder

Tennis and Golfers’ Elbow

For tennis and golfers’ elbow, common drivers are the neck, shoulder or ribcage

Lower Back Pain (including Disc Pain and Sciatica)

For lower back pain including disc pain and sciatica, common drivers are the feet, pelvis or ribcage

Plantar Fasciitis

For plantar fasciitis, common drivers are the pelvis or neck

Shoulder Pain (including Rotator Cuff Impingement)

For shoulder pain including rotator cuff impingement, common drivers are the ribcage or hips

Then, once you’ve determined your driver, you can follow the relevant self-treatment course, and rehab your own injury, at home, and at a pace that suits you.

Take my questionnaire

Are my video courses right for you?

A word from me...

Hello! My name is Nell Mead and I’ve been a physiotherapist for well over 20 years. In my central London clinic, I specialise in helping people with complex and long-term injuries, especially people who’ve not responded to traditional physiotherapy. To do that, after listening to their story, I analyse their whole body. This is key, because everything is connected, and your knee problem isn’t necessarily coming from your knee – in my experience, your knee pain could easily be the result of your flat feet or your wonky ribcage! I’ve helped thousands of people with this approach, but there’s only so much I can do in clinic – there’s only one of me, and I’ve only got one pair of hands. So, I’ve developed an online course to teach you how to analyse your own body – similar to the way I do it in clinic – so that you can find and address the root cause of your pain, regardless of where it is in your body. Whether it’s back pain, neck pain, shoulder pain, or any other type of musculoskeletal discomfort, my courses aim to target the underlying issues to provide comprehensive relief and promote long-term healing. My goal is to help you get rid of your pain, improve your overall physical function, and enjoy a pain-free and active lifestyle.

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Real stories from real people

See how we’ve helped others...

Dive into the transformative journeys of those who’ve embraced our courses, finding relief and rediscovering their body’s potential.

What the course gives you?

Gain access to a comprehensive suite of content, tailored to support your journey of recovery.

Personalised self-assessment course

Discover the true root of your discomfort by identifying your unique problem source, known as your “driver”.

Eight tailored rehabilitation courses

Dive into a diverse range of programs, designed to address nearly every musculoskeletal challenge you might face.

Extensive exercise video library

Explore over 150 instructional videos, ensuring you maximise the benefits of any physiotherapy regimen you undertake.

Frequently asked questions...

I’m sure you have questions. Here, I’ve compiled answers to some of the most frequently asked queries to help you work out if my course is right for you.

You could be your own physio if you are fit to do some light exercises (check with your doctor if unsure!), if your pain is coming from your muscles or joints (if it’s coming from your gut or your nervous system or from an illness, for example, then you may need to see a professional in person) and if you’re able to work independently, without a physio to help you stay accountable. If you’re not sure, try the questionnaire and you’ll find out in under 3 minutes whether you could be your own physio!

The self-assessment course is £100, which is less than coming to see me in clinic, and which gives you free access to one rehab course (you’re welcome to buy more though).  You’ll have lifetime access to any courses you buy.

The self-assessment course includes a printable self-assessment form for you to complete as you go through it, a clear introductory video, links to where to buy the equipment required, eight video self-assessment tests, and explanations of what to do next. Each self-rehab course includes an anatomy lesson, optional advice on optimising tissue health, plus 15-20 progressive exercise videos to help you to rehab the root cause of your problem that you identified in the self-assessment course.

I’m deep into editing mode right now! The courses will be available from the end of the autumn.

That depends on you, your body and your commitment to doing the exercises. Some people may be able to get through the whole course in a couple of weeks; others may take months. But they’re designed to be done at your own pace, so you move on when your body is ready for the next level, there’s no specific timescale. The whole course will be available to you at once, so that you can take it at a speed your body is happy with.

Ready to begin?

Save yourself time and money by learning to assess your own body in a similar way to how I would assess you in clinic. In effect – you could be your own physio!

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